
The Joy of Efficiency

Paul Westbrook

People always seem to be short of time or money—sometimes both. Efficiency is a way to get more of both. It’s not a compromise; it’s an optimization where everything is better. It’s a way to live lighter on the planet, and to live better. It’s quality versus quantity. The primary focus of the book is energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is one of the most cost effective climate solutions we have.

This book has three major sections. If you are interested in organizing your life so you have more time and money, then the first third of the book is for you. It’s a bit of a self-help book. If you are interested in building or buying a better house, then the middle third is for you. This section is for those who want to live better for less—and with a much lighter impact on the planet. If you work in a corporation and want to improve your buildings, systems, or your work processes, then the final third is for you. This is the business process and systems section, and it’s applicable to many areas of a business or company. The process we followed helped Texas Instruments double their global energy efficiency in ten years. Marie Kondo helps you organize your "stuff." This book helps you organize your energy use.

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Reviews (send me your review)

For me the book was more about leadership and imagination with practical applications. Paul starts with a simple house project and scales lessons learned up to multi-million dollar construction projects. I don’t normally whip out my yellow highlighter and mark up clever quips but i did with this one.”

I can only say, I wish I had a book like this growing’s like a roadmap for how to do things right.
It’s logical, informative and with quite a few LOL moments! I loved it!!

"What a little gem of a book! It’s written with humor and simple explanations that make the complex understandable."


Amory Lovins at RMI enjoying the book. Amory is one of the top energy efficiency experts in the world. He's the Chief Scientist at RMI. Amory has received ten honorary doctorates. He has provided expert testimony in eight countries, briefed 19 heads of state, and published 31 books. Among his many awards are Time Hero for the Planet award, the Benjamin Franklin and Happold Medals, and the Shingo, Nissan, Mitchell, and Onassis Prizes, and a MacArthur Fellowship.


Paul Westbrook has lived well by being efficient. Paul applies some basic efficiency rules to all aspects of his life - finances, cars, purchases, home design, etc. He brought a passion for efficiency to his employer and helped them save tens of millions of dollars each year. A reporter once called Paul a "Unassuming, likable, multi-talented, nerd." Link to Story and Quote


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